Full-service, student-run communication consultancy.

Orange Umbrella is the University of Miami's student-run consultancy. After a refresh of our brand guidelines, I led our web team in doing a complete redesign of our website with the goals of integrating our new visual identity and better showcasing the depth of our work.

Creative Director of Visual Media


I restructured the information architecture.

Rearranging the information architecture was imperative to this redesign as we needed to better demonstrate what Orange Umbrella does and had new content we wanted to include. I conducted whiteboarding sessions to ensure we were organizing our website in a way that addressed this pain point and better highlighted valuable assets of our consultancy to our target audience.

I led the creative direction for our new headshots.

In a typical non-pandemic school year, we plan a staff-wide photo shoot to take new headshots at the beginning of each semester. With classes being remote at this point, I came up with the idea to use baby photos and have our talented photo team edit them with drawings related to everyone’s personalities overlayed.

That’s me! ↑

I facilitated user testing and detailed editing.

While nearing the finish line of this project, I ensured we completed user testing and had our advisory board complete site audits to receive feedback. I also went through the website multiple times with a fine-tooth comb, checking for adequate responsiveness, ADA compliance, and any necessary design adjustments. Through testing, we found that our new approach to better explain our student-run consultancy– who we are, what we do, work we’ve done– was successful.